(25 – April 2023, Dushanbe city)
Participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the State scientific institution “Center for the study of glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan” and the announcement of 2025 as “The International Year of Glacier Preservation -2025”, as well as the contribution of partners in the implementation of the UN Resolution of December 14 2022,
supporting the UN Resolution on annunciation of 2025 year as “The International Year of Glacier Preservation – 2025” and the intention to strengthen the international mechanism for the joint study and preservation of glaciers, facilitating access to accurate and timely information about the cryosphere,
aware that, in many high mountain areas, glacial retreat and melting of permafrost are predicted further reducing of slope resilience, and that glacial lake outbursts or rainfalls, landslides and snow avalanches are increasing and will occur in new locations, or at other times,
noting that the continuous increase in the rate of global warming may lead to irreversible consequences for some ecosystems with low resilience, such as polar and mountain ecosystems, as well as ecosystems of coastal deltas, which suffer from the effects of melting of ice sheets, glaciers and snow sheets, acceleration and expected sea level rise,
recognizing mutual interest in improving scientific capabilities through cooperation on research projects in the aspect of the implementation of “The International Year of Glacier Presrvation – 2025” in the hope that new knowledge will be obtained about the cryosphere, hydrometeorological and geophysical processes in mountainous and polar regions and their use for the good of all mankind,
considering the need for a worldwide inventory of glaciers and snow cover on an ongoing basis, since, for more than 120 years, large-scale studies of glaciers and snow cover have been carried out only three times and about once every 50 years, during the International Polar Year (from 1883 to 2008 year),
emphasizing the need to raise awareness of the population, local and central executive authorities, as well as decision makers about actions and long-term measures for the preservation of glaciers and to support such actions and measures at the national, regional and international levels,
recognizing the importance of initiatives related to the Earth’s cryosphere in achieving the important Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028”,
declare that Tajikistan, as a member of the WMO and a participant in polar (Antarctic) research and the initiating country is ready to take an active part and make its intellectual, technical and institutional contribution to the implementation of the “International Year of Glacier Preservation – 2025”, together with partners,
through participation in the implementation of the following documents developed at the State Scientific Institution “Center for the Study of Glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan”:
The Concept of participation of the State Scientific Institution “Center for the Study of Glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan” in the preparation and holding of the “The International Year of Glacier Preservation – 2025”,
Scientific program of participation of the State Scientific Institution “Center for the Study of Glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan” in the preparation and holding of the “The International Year of Glacier Preservation – 2025”,
Action Plan for the participation of the State Scientific Institution “Center for the Study of Glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan” in the preparation and holding of the “The International Year of Glacier Preservation – 2025”.
We propose governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations and other relevant stakeholders actively participate in the implementation of these documents in order to address issues related to accelerated glacier melt and its consequences, and
We ask organizations in the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the World Meteorological Organization and interested states to bring this Resolution to the attention of all research and public organizations and other interested parties to facilitate the implementation of these initiatives.
Adopted: April 25, 2023
Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan